2022年3月31日国际著名期刊《Science》的地球与行星科学专栏作家Paul Voosen发表特写新闻报道“Scientists are probing the secrets of the inner core—and learning how it might have saved life on Earth”(1)。地球的内核由于其独特的结构和相对独立的自转速率被称为地内的星球“The Planet Inside”。最新研究表明内核在距今约5亿年前从液态的外核中凝析而成,由此彻底改变了地球的磁场,为生物提供了更好的保护层,促进了寒武纪的生命大爆发。因此,内核的研究对认识行星和生命的演化历史至关重要。

理论与应用地球物理研究所宋晓东教授和杨翼博士后的相关研究工作:1996年首次利用地震数据观测到内核超速旋转导致其结构发生年代际的时变现象(2),2005年利用重复地震证实内核的时变现象(3);以及近年来的一系列新发现:内核的时变信号在全球的广泛分布(4,5),最新的内核旋转速率的精准测定(6 )和内核旋转速率的变化(7)。该报道引用了宋教授的谈话“所有内核的时变现象同时都消失了”来介绍杨博士和宋教授的在2021年末AGU年会上展示的最新结果(7),这一突破性的发现意味着地球内核在十几年前停止了超速旋转,和地幔保持着同样的转速。同时内核旋转的变化与地球整体的自转和日长的变化有很强的相关性;这种相关性的机制尚不明晰,但科学界几乎公认与核幔相互作用有关。宋教授团队的研究内容和本篇报道详情见下文参考文献。
1. Voosen, P. (2022). Scientists are probing the secrets of the inner core—and learning how it might have saved life on Earth. Science, 376(6588), 18-22. //doi.org/10.1126/science.abq2618
2. Song, X., & Richards, P. G. (1996). Seismological evidence for differential rotation of the Earth’s inner core. Nature, 382(6588), 221–224. //doi.org/10.1038/382221a0
3. Zhang, J., Song, X., Li, Y., Richards, P. G., Sun, X., & Waldhauser, F. (2005). Inner core differential motion confirmed by earthquake waveform doublets. Science, 309(5739), 1357–1360. //doi.org/10.1126/science.1113193
4. Yang, Y., & Song, X. (2020). Temporal changes of the inner core from globally distributed repeating earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(3), 1–23. //doi.org/10.1029/2019JB018652
5. Yang, Y., & Song, X. (2020). Origin of temporal changes of inner-core seismic waves. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 541, 116267. //doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116267
6. Song, X., & Yang, Y. (2020). Inner core rotation captured by earthquake doublets and twin stations. Abstract DI006-0002 presented at 2020 AGU Fall Meeting, Online Everywhere, 1-17 Dec. (full manuscript under review)
7. Yang, Y., & Song, X. (2021). Pause of inner-core differential rotation in recent decade. Abstract DI35D-0075 presented at 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 13-17 Dec. (full manuscript under review)