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Du J., Mix A. C., Haley B. A., Belanger C. L., Sharon. (2022) Volcanic trigger of ocean deoxygenation during Cordilleran ice sheet retreat. Nature, 611, 74–80. (附News & Views报道)
Du J., Haley B. A., Mix A. C., Abbott A. N., McManus J., Vance D. (2022) Reactive-transport modeling of neodymium and its radiogenic isotope in deep-sea sediments: the roles of authigenesis, marine silicate weathering and reverse weathering. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 596, 117792.
Du J., Haley B. A. and Mix A. C. (2020) Evolution of the Global Overturning Circulation since the Last Glacial Maximum based on marine authigenic neodymium isotopes. Quaternary Science Reviews 241, 106396. (邀请论文)
Du J., Haley B. A., Mix A. C., Walczak M. H. and Praetorius S. K. (2018) Flushing of the deep Pacific Ocean and the deglacial rise of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Nature Geoscience 11, 749–755.
Du J., Haley B. A. and Mix A. C. (2016) Neodymium isotopes in authigenic phases, bottom waters and detrital sediments in the Gulf of Alaska and their implications for paleo-circulation reconstruction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 193, 14–35.
Du J., Huang B. and Zhou L. (2016) Global deepwater circulation between 2.4 and 1.7 Ma and its connection to the onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation. Paleoceanography 31, 1480–1497.
Du J. and Huang B. (2010) Variations in upper water structure during MIS3 from the western South China Sea. Chinese Science Bulletin 55, 301–307