(1)通过对云南下泥盆统徐家冲组的综合研究,发现最古老的具根系古土壤,提供了原始植物在土壤中克隆生长的直接证据;提出克隆生长是早期维管植物作用于地球系统的一种重要机制;揭示出早期植物对陆地环境的显著作用体现在促进土壤形成、增强地貌稳定性以及促进曲流河构型的形成等多个方面(Xue et al. 2016, PNAS封面文章)。//pkunews.mtzb88.com/xxfz/2016-08/24/content_294687.htm
(2)对华南晚古生代313种叶片化石的形态学特征进行编码,建立了目前较为完善的多维形态数据集,定量揭示了叶片形态变异度与属种丰富度之间的动态关系,提出古生代叶片形态的宏演化模式(Xue et al. 2015, Earth-Science Reviews)。
(3)报道了华南和其他地区的大量第一手化石材料,系统研究了志留—泥盆纪维管植物50 余属,丰富了研究基础薄弱的、最早期维管植物的大化石记录,揭示了诸多真叶植物、石松纲早期化石代表的形态学和解剖学特征。这些成果体现于50余篇论著中。
(4)基于最简约法和贝叶斯法,厘定了志留—泥盆纪石松植物的系统发育关系;提出早期维管植物的一个新的系统发育框架,重新界定了过去长期存在争议的莱尼蕨纲和工蕨纲;提出维管植物支系在早泥盆世“大爆发”的假说(Hao and Xue 2013, 专著)。
专著、编著章节和词条Monographs and book chapters
1 Hao Shougang, Xue Jinzhuang. 2013a. The Early Devonian Posongchong Flora of Yunnan - A Contribution to an Understanding of the Evolution and Early Diversification of Vascular Plants. Beijing: Science Press. 1-366.
2 刘建波, 杨守仁, 薛进庄, 马学平, 孙作玉. 2013. 古生物与沉积环境. 见:冯增昭等(主编),中国沉积学(第二版). 北京:石油工业出版社,1227-1305.
3 郝守刚, 薛进庄. 2009. 早期陆生植物部分. 见:古生物学名词审定委员会 编, 古生物学名词(第二版). 北京: 科学出版社.
学术论文Peer-reviewed papers
1. Borja Cascales-Miñana*, Xue Jinzhuang*, Gonzalo Rial, Philippe Gerrienne, Huang Pu, Philippe Steemans. 2017. Revisiting the spore assemblages from the Lower Devonian Posongchong Formation of Wenshan, Yunnan Province, southwestern China. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Minor revision.
2. Huang Pu, Liu Lu, Qin Min, Liu Le, Deng Zhenzhen, Wang Deming, James F. Basinger, Jinzhuang Xue*. 2017. New Sphenophyllum plant from the Upper Devonian of Zhejiang Province, China. Historical Biology. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2017.1322077
3. Huang Pu, Liu Le, Deng Zhenzhen, James F. Basinger, Xue Jinzhuang*. 2017. Xihuphyllum, a novel sphenopsid plant with large laminate leaves from the Upper Devonian of South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 466: 7-20. //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.11.004
4. Liu Le, Wang Deming, Meng Meicen, Xue Jinzhuang. 2017. Further study of Late Devonian seed plant Cosmosperma polyloba and its evolutionary significance. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 17: 149. DOI 10.1186/s12862-017-0992-1
5. Zhou Changfu, Gao Keqin, Yi Hongyu, Xue Jinzhuang, Li Quanguo, Richard C. Fox. 2017. Earliest filter-feeding pterosaur from the Jurassic of China and ecological evolution of Pterodactyloidea. Royal Society Open Science, 4: 160672. //dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.160672
6. Xue Jinzhuang, Deng Zhenzhen, Huang Pu, Huang Kangjun, Michael J. Benton, Cui Ying, Wang Deming, Liu Jianbo, Shen Bing, James F. Basinger, Hao Shougang. 2016. Belowground rhizomes in paleosols: the hidden half of an Early Devonian vascular plant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113: 9451-9456.
7. Xue Jinzhuang, James F. Basinger. 2016. Melvillipteris quadriseriata gen. et sp. nov., a new plant from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) of Arctic Canada. Geological Magazine, 153: 601-617.
8. Xue Jinzhuang, Huang Pu, Wang Deming, William Oki Wong, Hao Shougang. 2016. Anatomy of the Middle Devonian cladoxylopsid Panxia gabata Wang et Berry from Yunnan, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 224: 66-82. [see Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2016, 228: 113-113, for Corrigendum to “Anatomy of the Middle Devonian cladoxylopsid Panxia gabata Y. Wang et Berry from Yunnan Province, southwestern China.]
9. Zhang Yingying, Xue Jinzhuang, Liu Le, Wang Deming. 2016. Periodicity of reproductive growth in lycopsids: An example from the Upper Devonian of Zhejiang Province, China. Palaeoworld, 25: 12-20.
10. Borja Cascales-Miñana, Philippe Gerrienne, Rafael Moreno-Domínguez, Jinzhuang Xue, José I. Valenzuela-Ríos, José B. Diez, Gonzalo Rial, Philippe Steemans. 2016. A new highly diverse palynoflora from the Lower Devonian Nogueras Formation of the Iberian Peninsula. Historical Biology, 28(8): 1118-1124. //dx.doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2015.1111885
11. Zong Pu, Ma Xueping, Xue Jinzhuang, Jin Xiaochi. 2016. Comparative study of Late Devonian (Famennian) brachiopod assemblages, sea level changes, and geo-events in northwestern and southern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 448: 298-316.
12. 邓珍珍, 黄璞, 刘乐, 王德明, 薛进庄. 2016. 华南晚泥盆世假弱楔叶(Sphenophyllum pseudotenerrimum Sze)的新认识. 古生物学报, 55(1): 45-55. [Deng Zhenzhen, Huang Pu, Liu Le, Wang Deming, Xue Jinzhuang. 2016. New observations of Sphenophyllum pseudotenerrimum Sze (Sphenopsida) from the Late Devonian of South China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 55(1): 45-55.]
13. 秦敏, 王德明, 薛进庄, 刘乐, 黄璞. 2016. 浙江长兴晚泥盆世几种羽状复叶植物的发现及其意义. 古生物学报, 55(4): 424-432. [Qin Min, Wang Deming, Xue Jinzhuang, Liu Le, Huang Pu. 2016. Several fossils with pinnate compound leaves from the Upper Devonian of Changxing, Zhejiang Province, and the significances. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 55(4): 424-432.]
14. Xue Jinzhuang, Huang Pu, Marcello Ruta, Michael J. Benton, Hao Shougang, Xiong Conghui, Wang Deming, Borja Cascales-Miñana, Wang Qi, Liu Le. 2015. Stepwise evolution of Paleozoic tracheophytes from South China: contrasting leaf disparity and taxic diversity. Earth-Science Reviews, 148: 77-93.
15. Xue Jinzhuang, Wang Qi, Wang Deming, Wang Yi, Hao Shougang. 2015. New observations of the early land plant Eocooksonia Doweld from the Pridoli (Upper Silurian) of Xinjiang, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 101: 30-38. [厘定拟莱尼蕨类、早期陆地植物的代表分子Eocooksonia的特征]
16. Xu Honghe, Xue Jinzhuang, Wang Qi. 2015. Notes on a fertile rhyniophytoid from the Lower Devonian of Guangxi, southwestern China. Historical Biology, 27: 294-298.
17. Liu Le, Wang Deming, Xue Jinzhuang, Meng Meicen. 2015. An anatomically preserved lycopsid from the Upper Devonian of South China. Historical Biology, 27: 308-315.
18. Wang Deming, Liu Le, Guo Yun, Xue Jinzhuang, Meng Meicen. 2015. A Late Devonian fertile organ with seed plant affinities from China. Scientific Reports, 5:10736. DOI: 10.1038/srep10736
19. Wang Deming, James F. Basinger, Huang Pu, Xue Jinzhuang, Liu Le, Meng Meicen, Zhang Yingying, Deng Zhenzhen. 2015. Latisemenia longshania, gen. et sp. nov., a new Late Devonian seed plant from China. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282: 20151613. //dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2015.1613
20. Borja Cascales-Miñana, Gonzalo Rial, Xue Jinzhuang, Luis Miguel Sender, Rafa Moreno-Domínguez, José B. Diez. 2015. New palaeobotanical data from the Lower Devonian of Mezquita de Loscos (Teruel Province, Spain). Historical Biology, 27: 299-307.
21. Wang Deming, Xu Honghe, Xue Jinzhuang, Wang Qi, Liu Le. 2015. Leaf evolution in early-diverging ferns: insights from a new fern-like plant from the Late Devonian of China. Annals of Botany, 115: 1133-1148.
22. 宗普, 薛进庄. 2015. 地质历史时期大气氧含量与生物多样性的协同演变. 生物学通报, 50(4): 1-5. [Zong Pu, Xue Jinzhuang. 2015. Coevolution between atmospheric oxygen level and biodiversity in geological time. Bulletin of Biology (in Chinese).]
23. Wang Deming, Liu Le, Meng Meicen, Xue Jinzhuang, Liu Tuo, Guo Yun. 2014. Cosmosperma polyloba gen. et sp. nov., a seed plant from the Upper Devonian of South China. Naturwissenschaften, 101: 615-622.
24. Wang Deming, Meng Meicen, Xue Jinzhuang, James F. Basinger, Guo Yun, Liu Le. 2014. Changxingia longifolia gen. et sp. nov., a new lycopsid from the Late Devonian of Zhejiang Province, South China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 203: 35-47.
25. 薛进庄, 黄璞, 王祺. 2014. Monilophytes(广义真蕨类)的概念溯源及中文定名. 植物学研究, 3: 23-26. [Xue Jinzhuang, Huang Pu, Wang Qi, 2014. Notes on the history of the term Monilophytes and its Chinese name. Botanical Research, 3, 23-26 (in Chinese with English abstract).]
26. 薛进庄, 郝守刚. 2014. 志留纪—早泥盆世维管植物的谱系关系、幕式演化和地理分布:植物大化石证据. 古地理学报, 16(6): 861-877. [Xue Jinzhuang, Hao Shougang, 2014. Phylogeny, episodic evolution and geographic distribution of Silurian-Early Devonian vascular plants: evidence from plant megafossils. Journal of Palaeogeography, 16(6): 861-877 (in Chinese with English abstract).]
27. 宗普, 薛进庄, 唐宾. 2014. 追溯最古老的琥珀——树脂植物的起源与演化. 岩石矿物学杂志, 33 (增2): 111-116. [Zong Pu, Xue Jinzhuang, Tang Bin. 2014. Tracing the most ancient amber: the origin and evolution of resin-producing plants. Acta Petrologica Et Mineralogica, 33 (supp. 2): 111-116 (in Chinese with English abstract).]
28. 宗普, 薛进庄. 2014. 地史时期生物大灭绝及其对当代生物多样性的启示. 生物学通报, 49 (10): 1-6. [Zong Pu, Xue Jinzhuang. 2014. Mass extinctions in geological times and implications for modern biodiversity. Bulletin of Biology, 49(10): 1-6 (in Chinese).]
29. Xue Jinzhuang. 2013. New material of Hueberia zhichangensis Yang, Li & Edwards, a basal lycopsid from the Early Devonian of Yunnan, China. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 267: 331-339.
30. Liu Le, Wang Deming, Xue Jinzhuang, Meng Meicen, Guo Yun. 2013. Reinvestigation of the lycopsid Minarodendron cathaysiense from the Middle Devonian of South China. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 268: 325-339.
31. Hao Shougang, Xue Jinzhuang. 2013b. Earliest record of megaphylls and leafy structures, and their initial diversification. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58: 2784-2793.
32. Lamsdell JC, Xue Jinzhuang, Selden PA. 2013. A new horseshoe crab (Arthropoda: Chelicerata: Xiphosura) from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) of Yunnan, China. Geological Magazine, 150: 367-370.
33. Meng Meicen, Wang Deming, Xue Jinzhuang, Zhu Xiao. 2013. New insights and evolutionary significance of the megasporangiate strobilus of Minostrobus chaohuensis (Lycopsida) from the Upper Devonian of South China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 190: 20-40.
34. Xiong Conghui, Wang Deming, Wang Qi, Michael J. Benton, Xue Jinzhuang, Meng Meicen, Zhao Qi, Zhang Jing. 2013. Diversity Dynamics of Silurian–Early Carboniferous Land Plants in South China. PLoS ONE, 8(9): e75706.
35. 马学平, 宗普, 张宇波, 张美琼, 薛进庄. 2013. 新疆准噶尔盆地西北缘晚泥盆世法门期地层之划分. 地学前缘, 20 (6): 255-268. [Ma Xueping, Zong Pu, Zhang Yubo, Zhang Meiqiong, Xue Jinzhuang. 2013. Subdivision of Famennian (Late Devonian) strata in the Northwest border of the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, northwestern China. Earth Science Frontiers, 20 (6): 255-268 (in Chinese with English abstract).]
36. Xue Jinzhuang, Hao Shougang, Zhu Xiao, Wang Deming. 2012. A new basal euphyllophyte, Pauthecophyton gen. nov., from the Lower Devonian (Pragian) of Yunnan, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 183: 9-20. [研究了华南的一类原始的真叶植物Pauthecophyton]
37. Xue Jinzhuang. 2012. Lochkovian plants from the Xitun Formation of Yunnan, China, and their paleophytogeographical significance. Geological Magazine, 149: 333-344. [报道华南最早的复杂植物群]
38. Hao Shougang, Xue Jinzhuang, Zhu Xiao, Wang Deming. 2012. A new genus of Early Devonian plants with novel strobilar structures and vegetative appendages from the Posongchong Formation of Yunnan, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 171: 73-82.
39. Wang Qi, Xue Jinzhuang. 2012. On the type of Pseudosporochnus (Fossil Cladoxylopsida). Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature, 22: 240-243.
40. Xue Jinzhuang. 2011. Phylogeny of Devonian lycopsids inferred from Bayesian phylogenetic analyses. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 85: 569-580.
41. Hao Shougang, Xue Jinzhuang. 2011. A new zosterophyll plant, Ramoferis gen. nov., from the Posongchong Formation of Lower Devonian (Pragian) of Southeastern Yunnan, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 85: 765-776.
42. Zhu Xiao, Xue Jinzhuang, Hao Shougang, Wang Deming. 2011. A new species of Adoketophyton from the Lower Devonian (Pragian) Posongchong Formation of Yunnan, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 164: 238-246.
43. Xue Jinzhuang, Wang Qi. 2011. Fusiformitheca, a new name for Fusitheca Wellman, Edwards et Axe, 1998, non Bonorden, 1864. Palaeoworld, 20: 98.
44. Xue Jinzhuang, Hao Shougang, James F. Basinger. 2010. Anatomy of the Late Devonian Denglongia hubeiensis, with a discussion of the phylogeny of the Cladoxylopsida. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 171: 107-120. [将贝叶斯系统学方法引入古生代古植物学研究,分析原始真蕨类基部类群的系统关系,提出存在一个以伊瑞蕨类为基干的类群]
45. Hao Shougang, Xue Jinzhuang, Guo Dali, Wang Deming. 2010. Earliest rooting system and root/shoot ratio from a new Zosterophyllum plant. New Phytologist, 185: 217-225. 国家自然科学基金委情况交流、《中国科学基金》、《科学通报》报道;另见科普文章:郝守刚, 2010. 一株4亿年前的完整植物——闹市区的重要发现. 化石, 3: 51-54.
46. 薛进庄, 张华侨. 2010. 古生物学术语冠群和干群的释义问题. 中国科技术语, 12 (4): 57-58, 62. [Xue Jinzhuang, Zhang Huaqiao. 2010. Notes on the definition of two paleontological terms - crown group and stem group. China Terminology, 12: 57-58, 62. (in Chinese with English abstract).]
47. 薛进庄. 2010. 鄂西晚泥盆世似种子结构武汉仙籽(Sphinxiocarpon wuhanium)的形态学研究. 古生物学报, 49: 344-354. [Xue Jinzhuang. 2010. Morphological observations of the seed-like structure Sphinxiocarpon wuhanium from the Upper Devonian of Hubei, China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 49: 344-354. (in Chinese with English abstract).]
48. 薛进庄, 郝守刚. 2010. 东胡林4号人牙齿形态特征观察. 人类学学报, 29 (3): 253-263. [Xue Jinzhuang, Hao Shougang. 2010. Morphological features of the teeth of “Donghulin Man 4”. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 29 (3): 253-263. (in Chinese with English abstract).]
49. Xue Jinzhuang. 2009. Two zosterophyll plants from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) Xitun Formation of northeastern Yunnan, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 83 (3): 504-512.
50. Xue Jinzhuang, Hao Shougang. 2008. Denglongia hubeiensis gen. et sp. nov., a new plant attributed to Cladoxylopsida from the Upper Devonian (Frasnian) of South China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 169 (9): 1314-1331.
51. 薛进庄, 郝守刚. 2008. 泥盆纪枝蕨纲的分支系统学研究. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 44(2): 299-307. [Xue Jinzhuang, Hao Shougang. 2008. A Cladistic Study on Devonian Cladoxylopsida. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 44(2): 299-307 (in Chinese with English abstract).]
52. 郝守刚, 薛进庄, 崔海亭. 2008. 东胡林四号人墓葬中的果核. 人类学学报, 27(3): 249-255. [Hao Shougang, Xue Jinzhuang, Cui Haiting. 2008. Seeds of Celtis L. Accompanied with Occurrence of“Donghulin Man 4”. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 27(3): 249-255 (in Chinese with English abstract).]
53. Xue Jinzhuang, Hao Shougang. 2007. A lycopsid plant from the Upper Devonian of Hubei Province, China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 46 (2): 183-194.
54. Hao Shougang, Xue Jinzhuang, Wang Qi, Liu Zhenfeng. 2007. Yuguangia ordinata gen. et sp. nov., a new lycopsid from the Middle Devonian (late Givetian) of Yunnan, China and its phylogenetic implications. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 168(8): 1161-1175.
55. Hao Shougang, Xue Jinzhuang, Liu Zhenfeng, Wang Deming. 2007. Zosterophyllum Penhallow around the Silurian-Devonian boundary of northeastern China and its phytogeographic implications. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 168 (4): 477-489.
56. Wang Qi, Xue Jinzhuang, Prestianni C. 2007. Sphinxiocarpon, a new name for Sphinxia Li, Hilton & Hemsley (fossil Tracheophyta). Lethaia, 40: 393. [Wang Qi, Xue Jinzhuang, Prestianni C, 2008. Erratum to the article: Sphinxiocarpon, a new name for Sphinxia Li, Hilton & Hemsley, 1997-not Reid & Chandler, 1933. Lethaia 41 (3): 301.]
57. Hao Shougang, Wang Deming, Wang Qi, Xue Jinzhuang. 2006. A new lycopsid, Zhenglia radiata gen. et sp. nov., from the Lower Devonian Posongchong Formation of Southeastern Yunnan, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 80: 11-19.
58. Wang Deming, Hao Shougang, Tian Lin, Xue Jinzhuang. 2006. Further study of the Late Devonian sphenopsid Hamatophyton verticillatum from China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 167: 885-896.
59. Wang Deming, Hao Shougang, Wang Qi, Xue Jinzhuang. 2006. Anatomy of the Late Devonian sphenopsid Rotafolia songziensis, with a discussion of stellar architecture of the sphenophyllales. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 167: 373-383.
60. 薛进庄, 郝守刚, 王德明. 2006. 中-晚泥盆世石松植物研究综述. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 42 (6): 808-816. [Xue Jinzhuang, Hao Shougang, Wang Deming. 2006. A Review of the Middle-Late Devonian Lycopsids. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 42 (6): 808-816 (in Chinese with English abstract).]
61. Xue Jinzhuang, Hao Shougang, Wang Deming, Liu Zhenfeng. 2005. A new lycopsid from the Upper Devonian of China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 166: 519-531.
科普论文Popular science papers
1 薛进庄. 2017. 植物如何征服陆地? 大自然. 2: 40-43.